Call for Papers

The editors would like to announce the launch of the new journal, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences (QASS). This announcement is the culmination of much effort over many months by committed individuals to establish a high quality journal.

QASS is a refereed journal that sets no ideological standards for its collaborators or contributors and is committed to constructive synthesis in the social sciences.

The first issue of the journal was available (electronically) in Spring 2007.

The submission guidelines of the Journal may be viewed on the QASS website: . If you have questions about submitting an article, you may contact the editors of the Journal via the email addresses provided on the website.

The editors invite submissions of unpublished studies all year around. The Journal will appear at least three times a year, each issue will contain a minimum of four articles, about 7,500 words each, plus reviews of books, conferences and discussion forum debates as these come forward for inclusion.

The editors and members of the editorial board are all committed to producing a journal that is intriguing, and open to new ideas. QASS will strive to meet the needs of readers from diverse backgrounds including practitioners, policy makers and academics.
To maintain the Journal’s high standards, we need your help in providing current, thought provoking papers. If you have recently completed a paper of high quality, please consider submitting it to the QASS.

The Journal prides itself on giving the well-motivated author a rapid decision on their submission. The Journal will achieve a relatively short turn-round time between submission and acceptance/rejection and between acceptance and publication. To achieve this, we have a stated aim to get the decision made within 3 months of submission; we could consider reducing this further.

Thank you for your interest and paper submissions.